Tag: digital literacy
What if ‘literacy’ is really a framework for developing literacy?
Instead of a centralised process where a small group of people decide what AI literacy means, Tim Fawns suggests that the real literacy may be helping people with the principles of coming to understand what they need to do with AI in their context. In other words, the literacy we should be developing is the…
BIP Digital Health – Technology to support the intervention process
In this Blended Intensive Programme in Digital Health, Christian Grüneberg, Franziska Weber and I, explore the impact of technology on physiotherapy practice. We discuss patient- and person-centred care, the role shift for physiotherapists, and the importance of digital health literacy. Participants were encouraged to innovate and identify steps to integrate digital technologies in practice, enhancing…
Digital literacy in an international sample of physiotherapy students
This is one of the presentations that I recently gave at the 2016 SAAHE conference. Digital literacy of an international group of physiotherapy students from Michael Rowe
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-06
5 Myths About Collaboration http://ow.ly/1ttN1Z # Agile learning: How ‘making do’ can evolve into ‘making good’ http://ow.ly/1tpUmg # Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era http://ow.ly/1tpUiP # The personalisation of a learning environment: student-led connections online and offline http://ow.ly/1tpUgD # Future of Scholarly Communications Roundtable http://ow.ly/1tpUbw # Twitter Releases One-Click Subscription Button http://ow.ly/1tpTRm…