Tag: Google Docs
The buttonification of writing
When you introduce a feature that makes it simple to use AI to generate writing, everyone is going to use the feature.
Podcast: Google Apps for teaching
Useful suggestions for using Google Apps in a variety of ways to enhance teaching.
Writing about the software that I use to write
Note: I started writing this post more than a year ago and have regularly pushed it back in the queue. It began as a list of text editing software that I thought might be useful for people who are stuck using MS Word but has since grown beyond a simple list. I like to think…
Using Google Translate for international projects
In preparation for the FAIMER residential session in Brazil, the coordinators spent months sharing documentation and ideas, and discussing every detail that goes into planning something like this…and they’ve been doing it in Portuguese. Initially I thought that this would mean I’d have no idea what was going on until I got there, but then…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-09
Cameron narrates stunning Titanic simulation http://t.co/DaFSV5ty via @zite # Smart Kitchen by Toncelli with built-in Samsung Galaxy Tablet http://t.co/K1G6rPds via @zite. So jealous # How Linux is Built http://t.co/z0bJiqNb via @zite. Very cool video showcasing how cool Linux is # Managing Google Docs in the Classroom http://t.co/ZEk12K7g via @zite # Just got the first build…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-26
MIT discovers the location of memories: Individual neurons http://t.co/vMilLKCI via @zite # For once, Facebook does the right thing. https://t.co/Z0FndbSi http://t.co/5F01Wbbs # Do Students Know Enough Smart Learning Strategies? http://t.co/cLgo7LOf via @zite # Spell checking powered by the web http://t.co/pOOyTqhO. Noticed this improvement in Google Docs, cool to have it explained # Just got back…
Sharing? Collaboration? No thanks
Last week I took our third year students to see a demonstration of the management of a patient with spinal cord injury as part of the Movement Science module that I teach. I noticed that during the demonstration many of them were taking pretty comprehensive notes, and thought that this would be a great opportunity…
Introducing the OSPE format to physiotherapy practicals
Last year at our planning meeting (every year we meet to review the year and to plan for the upcoming one) we committed to conducting all of our practicals from now on in the OSPE format (Objective Structured Practical Examination). This format has the advantages of having all students perform the same assessment tasks, as…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-21
@paulscott56 Agreed. Twitter doesn’t allow 4 extended explanations. Basically, I Remembered I’m a physio, not a coder 🙂 # Google Body – An amazing free addition to the science classroom http://ow.ly/1scftQ # Using Audio more http://ow.ly/1scft8. Nice range between perspectives # Scholarly HTML – major progress http://ow.ly/1scfps. I used to wonder about an XML variant…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-05
Locate your stolen Linux laptop With Prey – free, opensource tracking app http://tinyurl.com/3xz55ch # RT @Peter_vdm: Uruguay cheat their way into the semifinal. Suarez treated as a hero after the game. What a travesty. #wc2010 # RT @IvoVegter: I’m livid. Stop dancing, you thieving, cheating lowlife. Be ashamed. #uru #wc2010 #gha # Disgusting result. Feel…