Tag: clinical teacher
New article published to Clinical Teacher mobile app
I’ve just published a new article on Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) to my Clinical Teacher mobile app. An early draft of the article is available here. Here are some screenshots from the app. You can download the app for iOS or for Android.
Update on the Clinical Teacher mobile app
I’ve just finished a full draft of the first article I’ve written for the Clinical Teacher in more than a year. It’s been a busy 12 months and I’ve been involved in a host of other projects but now I’m ready to get back into writing for the mobile app. This next article is on…
Small group teaching
This is the first draft of an articles that published in my Clinical Teacher mobile app. Introduction Small group learning is one of several educational strategies used to promote student learning, as it promotes a student-centred approach in the educational context (as opposed to a teacher-centred approach, in which the teacher determines the objectives, content…
Effective lectures
This is the first draft of an article that was eventually published in the Clinical Teacher mobile app. Introduction “The successful teacher is no longer on a height, pumping knowledge at high pressures into passive receptacles. He is a senior student anxious to help his juniors” (William Osler, 1849-1919) In medical education, the word “lecture”…
Clinical Teacher development progress
It’s been a long time since I’ve written about my Clinical Teacher mobile app, so I thought I’d write a short post to highlight the progress that has been made over the past few months. Thanks a ton to the amazing team at Snapplify, who are making this project possible. First up, after a long…
Writing for The Clinical Teacher mobile app
I’ve been spending less time on The Clinical Teacher mobile app over the past month or so, having realised that I need to focus on finishing my PhD. Unfortunately, this means that I haven’t been able to put out another article in more than two months. The Clinical Teacher is a mobile reference app (currently…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-23
RT @clin_teacher: Just published an article on “Authentic learning” in the Clinical Teacher iPad app http://t.co/vwGzKNmK #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-11
RT @clin_teacher: Just published “Assessing Clinical Competence with the Mini-CEX” in the Clinical Teacher iPad app http://t.co/ub3tEohG #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-28
Inside Halden, the most humane prison in the world | http://t.co/GDkbslLA # Grockit Launches Learnist, a Pinterest for Education http://t.co/LwHreNEx via @zite # Working with others in the real world is called “collaboration”. Working with others in school is often called “cheating” #authenticlearning # Carl Sagan on Mastering the Vital Balance of Skepticism & Openness…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-14
How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom http://t.co/B24tg02a via @zite # RT @clin_teacher: Please rate Clinical Teacher in the app store (http://t.co/m5QJmhX9), or write a short review. Thanks. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-07
@RonaldArendse @vivboz I nominate Ronald for the nomination # @RonaldArendse @vivboz it was a good coffee and a good chat. Nomination not necessary, but flattered 🙂 # RT @snapplify: iMaverick App now available for Android devices – http://t.co/VDgyTioC # RT @clin_teacher: The Small Group Teaching article is available for download in The Clinical Teacher. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-30
@nlafferty Hi Natalie, thanks for the mention and for the download # RT @clin_teacher: Just published “The Delphi Approach for Reaching Consensus”. Check it out in the Clinical Teacher app http://t.co/aYqiIJEl # RT @clin_teacher: 442 downloads in 52 countries after 1 week of being in the app store. Would love to hear your feedback #…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-23
Solve For X: synthetic life toolkits http://t.co/50e7H1SN #solveforx (craziness) # RT @clin_teacher: We’re live in the app store with our first piece of content: Peer Review of Teaching. Check it out at http://t.co/GLhlmSkQ # Just heard that The Clinical Teacher was approved by Apple. If you’re involved in clinical education check it out http://t.co/EPwmoSQ3 #…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-09
Cameron narrates stunning Titanic simulation http://t.co/DaFSV5ty via @zite # Smart Kitchen by Toncelli with built-in Samsung Galaxy Tablet http://t.co/K1G6rPds via @zite. So jealous # How Linux is Built http://t.co/z0bJiqNb via @zite. Very cool video showcasing how cool Linux is # Managing Google Docs in the Classroom http://t.co/ZEk12K7g via @zite # Just got the first build…