Tag: iphone
Mobile apps for ChatGPT
The ChatGPT app is free to use and syncs your history across devices. It also integrates Whisper, our open-source speech-recognition system, enabling voice input. ChatGPT Plus subscribers get exclusive access to GPT-4’s capabilities, early access to features and faster response times OpenAI. Introducing the ChatGPT app for iOS. It’s a good thing we didn’t spend…
Clinical Teacher development progress
It’s been a long time since I’ve written about my Clinical Teacher mobile app, so I thought I’d write a short post to highlight the progress that has been made over the past few months. Thanks a ton to the amazing team at Snapplify, who are making this project possible. First up, after a long…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-05
Locate your stolen Linux laptop With Prey – free, opensource tracking app http://tinyurl.com/3xz55ch # RT @Peter_vdm: Uruguay cheat their way into the semifinal. Suarez treated as a hero after the game. What a travesty. #wc2010 # RT @IvoVegter: I’m livid. Stop dancing, you thieving, cheating lowlife. Be ashamed. #uru #wc2010 #gha # Disgusting result. Feel…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-15
in Digestaccreditation, android, backchannel, buddypress, cape town, clifton, community of practice, copyright, crap detection, curriculum, degree, educational reform, engagement, free content, freedom, george siemens, goats, higher education, howard rheingold, iphone, jisc, learning technology, lessig, managing information, microblogging, microecop, mobile learning, network, nexus one, ocw, oer, open courseware consortium, open educational resources, p2pu, pbl, peer to peer university, personal learning environments, ple, pop quizz, presentations, problem based learning, twitter, university of the western cape, uwc, web 3.0, wordpress mu@ryantracey Agreed. The process, rather than the certificate, should be emphasised # RT @wesleylynch: Video comparing iphone and nexus – http://ow.ly/17iBb. Can’t imagine how the iPhone will survive, Android is already better # RT @psychemedia: Are Higher Degrees a waste of time for most people? http://bit.ly/buKpOW. IT professionals are hardly “most people” # University finds…
Mobile computing
in NoteA few weeks ago I presented at an e-learning colloquium here on campus, where I briefly summed up a few ideas of where I think technology can add value to education. One of the points I finished with, was the idea that computing is becoming more mobile, with cellphones taking over roles traditionally attributed to…