Tag: impact factor
More than my h-index – African Doctoral Academy
The presentation was given to a group of early career researchers and PhD students as part of the African Doctoral Academy. Download the slides. The main premise of my presentation was that academics are often driven to measure the quality of our work by quantitative metrics and journal impact factors because those are relatively easy…
OMW, Fermat’s Library looks amazing
Fermat’s Library is a service that allows members to upload papers and annotate them to provide some of the context around research articles, through annotation and discussion. The website creators talk about the importance of understanding the backstory to a lot of academic research. For example, in the image below you can see a summary of Richard Feynman’s…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-18
Here are the keynote speakers for #saahe12 http://t.co/iR5MDWYA # Looking forward to the SAAHE conference in Bloemfontein coming up in a week. Make sure to follow #saahe12 # Hypocrisy in the Profession of Education http://t.co/EQMe7XzX # The demise of the Impact Factor: The strength of the relationship between citation rates and IF is down… http://t.co/E7enutNU…
Publication and citation
Yesterday I had a conversation with a senior colleague where we briefly discussed the increasing importance of formal publication as it relates to promotion at our institution. Since I’m doing my PhD through publication, I’m also working on how to fit my needs as a student into the university’s need for academics to publish. There’s…