Michael Rowe

Trying to get better at getting better

The presentation was given to a group of early career researchers and PhD students as part of the African Doctoral Academy.

Download the slides.

The main premise of my presentation was that academics are often driven to measure the quality of our work by quantitative metrics and journal impact factors because those are relatively easy to measure. We tend to focus on only one type of scholarship (the scholarship of discovery, or research) and ignore the others.

In this session I wanted these participants to think about scholarly practices in different contexts, by sharing my own experiences of conducting scholarship in different formats and in different channels. I wanted to ask what different metrics of impact might look like, and to further our ability to influence the thinking of others when we look beyond journal publications as the primary measure of our effectiveness.

Apologies for the terrible sound quality in some sections of the presentation, and more generally for the low audio quality throughout. This was an online presentation I gave in 2021 and the connection issues were beyond my control.

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