Tag: safety
Making mistakes can be a Good Thing
One of the changes we made in our curriculum this year has been to work on creating spaces where students are willing to “have a go” at figuring out a clinical problem that we give them. We realised that students were reluctant to try because they were worried about failing the challenge. They didn’t want…
Posted to Diigo 12/10/2010
Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning – Educational Research The zone of proximal development is the area between what an individual can achieve on their own and what they can achieve with assistance A student should constantly be reaching slightly beyond their capabilities rather than working within them students should lead their learning and teachers simply…
To err is human: building a safer health system (free book)
While typing up my notes from the SAAHE conference (see previous post), I came across To err is human: building a safer health system, a book that had been mentioned by one of the keynote speakers. It looks at the medical community’s historically poor track record on accepting responsibility for mistakes made by healthcare professionals…