Tag: textbooks
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-13
in DigestCan education afford the iPad? http://t.co/1wA5yal3 # Creativity and Intelligence: a Tripartite Structure? http://t.co/YVj5LotD via @zite # Rice University announces open-source textbooks http://t.co/dY5RfxZj via @zite #
Posted to Diigo 01/08/2012
Education in Finland: smart, continuos development (a bit like agile software development) | FLOSSE Posse We need highly educated teachers, appreciation of the profession, empower teachers, have decision making in classroom and school level etc. When these are in place we may focus on education, instead of training children to tests. I think, however, that…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-06
Finalising funding proposal for PhD, didn’t realise how much work is involved. Will be terrible if it’s turned down #mrowephd # Excited about SAAHE conference this weekend, will give feedback on blogging presentation and ethics workshop afterwards http://bit.ly/35gl6F # Using Google Docs 2 get proposal feedback from my supervisors. Considered using a closed wiki but…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10
in Digest“Fate of the book” by Kevin Kelly (ex-editor of Wired)…lots of other great posts too http://bit.ly/2HAk8 # Powered by Twitter Tools.