Tag: shame
Developing compassion and empathy as part of a Professional Ethics module
I’ve been spending some time this week working with our 4th year students in the Professional Ethics module. One of our biggest challenges is that our students (and most other students in healthcare programmes) see characteristics like compassion, empathy, courage, shame, and emotional response as something that they need to “have”, like a stethoscope or…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-30
Daily Papert http://bit.ly/jCcfiS. “We learn best and we work best if we enjoy what we are doing” # How to Shame Teenage Girls into Proper Prudeness http://ow.ly/1tgFDS. Good point about where we most often point fingers # Problem Based Learning and microblogging http://ow.ly/1tgFyy # RT @physiopedia: Clinically Relevant: mobile apps for OMT therapists http://goo.gl/fb/x2Plt. Also…