Tag: randy pausch
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-29
in Digestassessment, citation, cross platform, Cross-platform reference manager, earth hour, facegbook, Google, google wave, last lecture, learning, learning habits, linux, literacy, mendeley, mozilla contacts, Mozilla Labs, net generation, oer, open accreditation, paperpile, podcasting, Professor, randy pausch, research methods, RT, screenr, social media, social network, students, telemedicine, twitter, Web Illiteracy, wikipediaScreenr – Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way, includes posting to Twitter http://bit.ly/9t6uLh # Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Contacts in the Browser http://bit.ly/bsQnr9 # RT @davidworth: RT @brad_bett: High-Tech Cheating Abounds, & Professors Bear Some Blame: Chronicle of Higher Education http://bit.ly/bOuBCA # RT @cristinacost: …Am I right to assume we need…
TEDx Johanessburg (session 1) – Iain Thomas
The first session at TEDx Johannesburg began with Iain Thomas, the author of ambiguous micro stories at I wrote this for you. Here’s the site tagline, which is great: “I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn’t get…