Tag: michael wesch
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-08
Designing for Social Norms (or How Not to Create Angry Mobs) http://ow.ly/1vmJzH # @alisa_williams Do u think it’s because no1 has shown them the value of collaboration? The system expects and rewards individual performance # Anatomy of an incident: Helicopter crash at UCT http://ow.ly/1vmlK3. Interesting analysis of how the info spread # Tell me again…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-18
in Digestaudio, blended learning, canvas, critical thinking, daniel suarez, Donald Clark, e-learning, games, gaming, Google, Google Docs, Inside Higher Ed, instructure, kevin kelly, lms, mendeley, michael wesch, mobile learning, net generation, physiopedia, presentation, publication, Purdue University, research, RT, smartphones, social networks, tedxcapetown, twitter, We Can, wesch, wikipedia@EranEyal Found it hard to follow the links you were trying to make, presentation by video is hard. My comment was harsh, I apologise # #eraneyal throws together haphazard ideas in a rambling, incoherent, disconnected rant. WTF #tedxcapetown # @rachaellowe Is there a difference between “…informed” and “…based”? If so, what do you think it…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21
in Digestamerican internet, Animation, author, backchannel, blooms digital taxonomy, BP, cars writing model, cent, Co-operative, collaborative learning, e-learning, facebook, Fast Company, FIFA, gilly salmon, Google, Google Docs, Google Earth, google search story, Harvard, http, Internet stars, journals, learning management system, lms, meego, mendeley, michael wesch, new media, oer, online world, open educational resources, otter trail, peer review, personal learning environment, player, ple, plearn, presentation, privacy, publication, reading, research, RT, Running stable, sajp, Salford, slideshare, social learning roles, social media, south africa, stephen downes, steve wheeler, swot analysis, tagxedo, twitter, uct, vygotsky poster, wordpress 3.0, world cup, world cup 2010, youtubeRT @dreamingspires: RT @stevesilberman: First time I’ve seen the phrase “the American Internet.” http://bit.ly/anZeIc # RT @barrykayton: Reading Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 on Scribd http://scr.bi/cBGHrj #readcast # From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments, by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/daChh2 # Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model of e-learning http://bit.ly/c1MKHB # Social Media Explained Visually «…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-14
in Digestaugmented reality, david warlick, david wiley, digital objects, e-learning, e-reader, freemind, george siemens, gliffy, Google, Google Docs, google wave, grahame attwell, head, http, John Underkoffler, kno, lawrence lessig, live blogging, M Rowe – Social Networks, meego, Mexico, michael wesch, Mike Wesch, netbook, Official, Online Diagram Software, open education, openstreetmap, personal learning, ple, presentations, reading, reflective learning, slideshare, social networks, space shuttle, Stellenbosch University, stephen downes, tedxnyed, Tips & Tricks, twitter, user interface design, Viva Bafana, vuvuzela, wikipedia, wikipedia logo, world cup 2010, Writing PlannerMilitary Grade Augmented Reality Could Redefine Modern Warfare http://tinyurl.com/259rkgl # I LOVE the #vuvuzela Never before has the crowd been so integrated into the game as they are at #wc2010 # Twitter not so good for #wc2010 commentary if you’re not watching the games, but damn, some of the comments are funny, especially tonight 🙂…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-22
in Digestcet, chromium, clinical wisdom, cognician, curriculum alignment, diigo, educause review, ethics, facebook, filesharing, Google, Google Docs, isp1, journals, kde, kjots, kubuntu, lessig, lucid, medical education, michael wesch, mobile, ocw, oer, open education, p2pu, pedagogy, peer to peer learning, physiopedia, ple, race, research, saahe 2010, safri, siemens, social networks, teaching, technology enhanced teaching, uct, web apps, wikipedia, xkcd, youtubeGoogle and Wikipedia — Separated at Birth? http://tinyurl.com/yzxj3az # @patrickkayton I liked the cartoon look 🙂 # YouTube – Students Helping Students. A video by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/cE7aDL # I know it’s ridiculously early, but I’m already looking forward to SAAHE ’10 at Wits in July this year http://bit.ly/9CGOA6 # @Sallykenyon12 Not on it at…
An anthropological introduction to YouTube
I recently watched “An anthropological introduction to YouTube“, a 56 minute long insight into some of the amazing stories being told through the social video site. While there are many great ideas, these quotes caught my attention: YouTube is about new forms of expression, new forms of community and new forms of identity It is…
Digital course readers
When I took over the modules I currently teach, I inherited several folders containing the course readers for each subject, which had been “developed” over many years. They consisted mainly of a selection of photocopied or typed pages, loosely related, inconsistently formatted, poorly referenced, often duplicated and impossible to search. When students needed to find…