Tag: ehr
BIP Digital Health – Technology for managing healthcare interventions
In this Blended Intensive Programme in Digital Health, Joost van Wijchen and I discuss the influential role of technology in managing and recording healthcare interventions. We highlight the risks of uncritical technology adoption, examine how user interface design impacts patient care, and call for ethical considerations and sustainable practices. And we talk about empowering digital…
Comment: Amazon Transcribe Medical
The new machine learning-powered service, Amazon Transcribe Medical, will allow physicians to quickly dictate their clinical notes and speech into accurate text in real time, without any human intervention, Amazon claims. Perez, S. (2019). Amazon debuts automatic speech recognition service, Amazon Transcribe Medical. Techcrunch. I use voice recognition on my phone fairly often and am…
Comment: For a Longer, Healthier Life, Share Your Data
There are a number of overlapping reasons it is difficult to build large health data sets that are representative of our population. One is that the data is spread out across thousands of doctors’ offices and hospitals, many of which use different electronic health record systems. It’s hard to extract records from these systems, and…
Doctors are burning out because electronic medical records are broken
For all the promise that digital records hold for making the system more efficient—and the very real benefit these records have already brought in areas like preventing medication errors—EMRs aren’t working on the whole. They’re time consuming, prioritize billing codes over patient care, and too often force physicians to focus on digital recordkeeping rather than…