Tag: chromium
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-14
“Universities 2.0”, from SAIDE Newslettervol.15, no.6 2009 http://bit.ly/8Eg1L1 # Another Hyper Definition Image of Cape Town | – http://bit.ly/72Ro4G # @dreamingspires didn’t use those extensions much, but occasionally miss others. Chrome extensions being released often though in reply to dreamingspires # @dreamingspires agreed, have pretty much switched to chromium purely because of speed, hardly use…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-23
Just installed Seesmic for Android on HTC Hero, think I prefer it to the default Twitter client, Peep # Data Liberation Front, an internal team at Google who want you to own your data http://j.mp/53wy3L # The Data Liberation Front, internal team at Google concerned with data ownership – http://j.mp/53wy3L # RT @tombarrett: 28 Interesting…
Chromium: changing the default keyword search
I just came across a pretty cool feature of Chromium…keyword searches. I know that this idea isn’t new, and now that I know about it, it’s clearly documented in the Google Chrome help pages, but I’ll put up some screenshots anyway. You begin by typing the URL of the site you’re going to (Chromium will…
Chromium browser and extensions
So the Linux build of Chromium (the open source browser than Google Chrome is based on) has been out for a while now and every now and again I’ve been upgrading to the latest developer release just to see how it’s coming along. Lately, the builds have been a lot more stable, font rendering hasn’t…