Tag: xml
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-21
@paulscott56 Agreed. Twitter doesn’t allow 4 extended explanations. Basically, I Remembered I’m a physio, not a coder 🙂 # Google Body – An amazing free addition to the science classroom http://ow.ly/1scftQ # Using Audio more http://ow.ly/1scft8. Nice range between perspectives # Scholarly HTML – major progress http://ow.ly/1scfps. I used to wonder about an XML variant…
One standardised storage format for common data
Is it too much to ask for software developers to agree on one standard storage format for commonly accessed data? Why does every browser that I use have it’s own bookmarking system, rather than one location separated out from the actual programme that all programmes can then access. For example, Firefox keeps it’s bookmarks at…
Lyx: separating content and style through document processing
It’s been a while since I posted anything here, mainly because I haven’t read anything interesting in that time, which is mainly because we’ve spent the past month or so gearing up for undergraduate exams. Now that exams are effectively over, we’re marking…sigh. Together with the exams, our department is on a writing workshop in…