Tag: technology in education
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-26
My profile for TEDxJohannesburg – hoping to be accepted as a speaker based on ideas for networks in teaching practice http://bit.ly/1JHt6c # Don’t teach your kids this stuff. Please? – Dangerously Irrelevant http://bit.ly/411wOy # Forget the Business Card. Just Google Me – Gina Trapani – HarvardBusiness.org http://bit.ly/STxX4 # @sbestbier just saw your recommendations now, thanks…
Innovate (a journal of online education)
I just came across Innovate, an online journal published by the Fischler School of Education. It has some really great articles on the use of new technologies in education. If you register (it’s free, although you do need to provide some occupational information), you get full access to all the articles.