Tag: large language models
Link: Which AI should I use? Superpowers and the State of Play
https://www.oneusefulthing.org/p/which-ai-should-i-use-superpowers “Gemini is an excellent explainer but doesn’t let you upload files, GPT-4 has features (namely Code Interpreter and GPTs) that greatly extend what it can do, and Claude is the best writer and seems capable of surprising insight.”
Building custom GPTs to provide feedback on samples of writing
Introduction “Our results show that i) ChatGPT is capable of generating more detailed feedback that fluently and coherently summarizes students’ performance than human instructors; ii) ChatGPT achieved high agreement with the instructor when assessing the topic of students’ assignments; and iii) ChatGPT could provide feedback on the process of students completing the task, which benefits…
Link: A Robot the Size of the World
https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/12/a-robot-the-size-of-the-world.html “This future requires us to see ourselves less as individuals, and more as parts of larger systems. It’s AI as nature, as Gaia—everything as one system. It’s a future more aligned with the Buddhist philosophy of interconnectedness than Western ideas of individuality. (And also with science-fiction dystopias, like Skynet from the Terminator movies.) It…
My biased enthusiasm for generative AI, clearly articulated
I understand the serious ethical concerns many have raised about generative AI. These are important issues that deserve thoughtful debate. I believe that I know something about these concerns and I know the critical position I’m meant to take as an academic working at the intersection of education and technology. I’ve spent 15 years in…
Example: Using ChatGPT to generate ideas for authentic and innovative assessments, based on workplace requirements
I copied the content of an advert for a physiotherapy post in the NHS. The exact content of the post doesn’t matter, as the process below will work for most jobs in most sectors. The idea is that you take a posting for a real job in your professional domain, and then ask the language…