Tag: digital divide
Posted to Diigo 05/02/2010
1020. Mobil Learning « Tomorrow’s Professor Blog You can’t force students to pay attention if they don’t want to. And even if you forbid all electronic gadgets, students will still daydream, whisper, and pass notes. You can’t force students to pay attention if they don’t want to. If you permit mobile devices, establish rules of…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-08
Two new Qualitative analysis books | Virtual Canuck http://bit.ly/aLWter # RT @xbkingx: Vegetative Patient Answers Yes and No Questions With His Brain [Medicine] http://ff.im/fqqoK # RT @gsiemens: RT @amcunningham: visualising learning networks- going to download tool now! fascinating http://bit.ly/99xtVu # Improving presentation skills, academic conferences are often dry and conservative, we need more entertainers http://tinyurl.com/yfa38hr…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-23
Just installed Seesmic for Android on HTC Hero, think I prefer it to the default Twitter client, Peep # Data Liberation Front, an internal team at Google who want you to own your data http://j.mp/53wy3L # The Data Liberation Front, internal team at Google concerned with data ownership – http://j.mp/53wy3L # RT @tombarrett: 28 Interesting…