Tag: curiosity
Failure is a clue for what to try next
When a student learns that each failure is a clue for what to try next, they stop thinking of failing as a frustration and begin to look at it as an element of exploration. Jane Krauss and Kiki Prottsman (2016). Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student.
Research is applied curiosity
I sometimes hear colleagues say that they’re ‘not researchers’ but after some probing it turns out that what they really mean is, they don’t love the process of conducting formal research as is often required by higher education institutions. I try to think of research and scholarship as applied curiosity, which reframes the concept in…
Cultivating curiosity
in LearningCarl Sagan is one of my favourite people in the world. Not only did he have his own sense of delight in discovery, but he could express it in ways that cultivated that sense in others.
Posted to Diigo 02/25/2011
Presentation Zen: The need for connection & engagement in education As scientists and other specialists learn more about how our brains work, for example, many of the traditional instructional methods used for the past 100 years (or more) seem to be out of kilter with how human beings really pay attention, engage, and actually learn…