Tag: art
Lincoln ice sculpture trail
A few photos from the Lincoln ice sculpture trail around the city.
Weekly digest 28
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
Link: Crazy Creative Cardboard by Greg Olijnyk
Two flower-related art links at Moss and Fog
I came across these two links for flower-related art at the wonderful Moss and Fog and thought you might like them. Beautiful Frozen Flowers of Capetown. (2024, February 13). Retrieved from https://mossandfog.com/beautiful-frozen-flowers-of-capetown Flowers Dipped in Liquid Nitrogen and Shattered. (2024, February 14). Retrieved from https://mossandfog.com/flowers-dipped-in-liquid-nitrogen-and-shattered
Prompt Brush is a non-AI generative model
Prompt-Brush is a non-AI generative model. Send Pablo Delcan a prompt and he will create a piece of art and send it to you.
Generative AI for image creation
in AII was asked the other day to recommend an image creation platform for a colleague, and had to say that this isn’t something I’ve spent much time on. Most of what I do is text-based, and I haven’t experimented with images at all. So I thought I might play around with a few options. I’ve…
‘Treebank’ exhibit
https://mossandfog.com/treebank-in-england-features-wood-from-thousands-of-different-tree-species/ “The wooden blocks span millennia, and were gathered from around the world, from various institutions, museums, and collections. Located on the historic Royal Fort Gardens in Bristol, this small retreat packs a very powerful punch… . From ancient petrified wood fossils from the earliest forests that emerged 390 million years ago to young saplings, the…
Link: Stunning Images of the Namibian Night Sky
Link: Minimal movie posters
in Notehttps://mossandfog.com/super-minimal-movie-posters-of-famous-films/
Link: Realistic bookshelf murals on buildings in the Netherlands
Fruitbots Offer a Bizarre Twist on Robotic Design
Art: Michael Davydov’s Miniature Worlds
in Notehttps://mossandfog.com/michael-davydovs-miniature-worlds/
AI illustrations
“Entrants were asked to produce a simple, striking image that touched on the question of whether advances in machine learning mean the world is heading for a utopian future, or a dystopian one.” https://www.dezeen.com/2023/06/22/ten-ai-illustrations-shortlisted-in-dezeens-aitopia-competition/ Update: The day after I saw this post, I came across a critique of the project, which I’m posting here in…
AI paints outside the frame
https://mossandfog.com/whats-beyond-the-frame-of-some-of-the-worlds-most-famous-paintings/ “The artificial intelligence does an adequate job with most of the famous artwork, extending the canvas of these famous paintings, filling them in with additional landscape, buildings, or other details. On others, it starts to break down, smearing the colors, or failing miserably on person detail.“
Weekly digest (02-06 Jul 2021)
The Artificial Inventor Project. A federal court in Australia has ruled in our favor and ordered our patent application for an AI-generated invention reinstated by IP Australia. Abbot, R. (2021). A Federal Court in Australia has Held AI-Generated Inventions are Patentable. The Artificial Inventor Project. And also… Today, the Artificial Inventor Project successfully obtained the…
Comment: Could robots make us better humans?
This is one of his arguments for listening to AI-generated music, studying how computers do maths and…gazing at digitally produced paintings: to understand how advanced machines work at the deepest level, in order to make sure we know everything about the technology that is now built into our lives. Harris, J. (2019). Could robots make…
What algorithmic art can teach us about artificial intelligence
To humans, the pictures look like haphazard arrangements of lines and blobs that lack any obvious immediate structure. But to algorithms trained to see the world on our behalf, they leap off the page as specific objects: electric fans, sewing machines, and lawnmowers. The prints are optical illusions, but only computers can see the hidden…