Tag: apa style
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-06
5 Myths About Collaboration http://ow.ly/1ttN1Z # Agile learning: How ‘making do’ can evolve into ‘making good’ http://ow.ly/1tpUmg # Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era http://ow.ly/1tpUiP # The personalisation of a learning environment: student-led connections online and offline http://ow.ly/1tpUgD # Future of Scholarly Communications Roundtable http://ow.ly/1tpUbw # Twitter Releases One-Click Subscription Button http://ow.ly/1tpTRm…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-25
in DigestAPA style blog – Ellipses: when & how http://t.co/LjKRsDc. Its a lot more complicated than I thought # Benefits & challenges of using laptops in classrooms http://t.co/eN6CLny # Smartphones in mobile healthcare http://t.co/wDlh86H # The Daily Papert http://bit.ly/h0nsv2. Educators are challenged to find “areas of work that are hard in the right way” #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-28
Presentation Zen: The need for participation, compassion, & community in the classroom (and lecture hall) http://bit.ly/htv5EC # The Edgeless University: Why Higher Education Must Embrace Technology ~ Stephen’s Web http://bit.ly/dRXW78 # Dropping the ‘e’ http://ow.ly/1sdVww # The Daily Papert http://bit.ly/ehRhyF. Schools do an effective & damaging job of teaching children 2 be…intellectually dishonest & passive…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-24
in Digestafrica, apa style, blooms taxonomy, College Art Exhibit Celebrates, critical thinking, downes, drawing. solitude, e-portfolios, facebook, latin abbreviations, legitimate peripheral participation, lurking, nancy white, NASA HD, networked learning, podcasting, privacy, productivity, Professor, real-time collaborative word processing, research, saide, sketchpad, sync.in, Tony Bates, twitter, ubuntu, ubuntu unity shell, writing, xkcd, youtube, Zen HabitsAcademic Productivity » New paths to “research productivity” http://bit.ly/dBnPYO # Bloom’s Taxonomy. Useful illustration with additional information that may assist with implementation http://bit.ly/cAFYwr # The Cronk of Higher Education » College Art Exhibit Celebrates 30 Years of Boredom in Academia (humour) http://bit.ly/cBufLp # APA Style Blog: It’s All Latin to Me: Latin Abbreviations in Scholarly…