Michael Rowe

Trying to get better at getting better

AMA Passes First Policy Recommendations on Augmented Intelligence

Combining AI methods and systems with an irreplaceable human clinician can advance the delivery of care in a way that outperforms what either can do alone. But we must forthrightly address challenges in the design, evaluation and implementation as this technology is increasingly integrated into physicians’ delivery of care to patients.

Source: AMA Passes First Policy Recommendations on Augmented Intelligence

The American Medical Association recently released their policy recommendations on the use of agumented intelligence systems in the clinical context. Briefly, the AMA states that it will:

  1. Help set priorities for health care AI.
  2. Identify opportunities to integrate the perspectives of clinicians into the development of health care AI.
  3. Promote the development of thoughtfully-designed, high quality, clinically validated health care AI.
  4. Encourage the education of all stakeholders into the promise and limitations of health care AI.
  5. Explore the legal implications for health care AI.

To me, this looks like a set of objectives or lines of inquiry for anyone interested in a research programme looking at the use of AI in the context of healthcare and health professions education.

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