Tag: xkcd
Weekly digest (10-14 May 2021)
Mazur, B. (2021). Scientific Publishing Is a Joke: An XKCD comic—and its many remixes—perfectly captures the absurdity of academic research. The Atlantic. The joke was on target. “The meme hits the right nerve. Many papers serve no purpose, advance no agenda, may not be correct, make no sense, and are poorly read. But they are…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-24
in Digestactivity theory, alpha, blogging, cable card, cognician, concept map, connectivism, Construct Activity Systems, Dave Pollard, decision book, digital habitats, email, facebook, joanne hardman, learning theories, mit, mont fleur, mp, open courseware, RT, Silicon Cape, standing desk, twitter, writing retreat, xkcd, zotero♻ @samanthaperry #xkcd on airport security stupididty – classic http://xkcd.com/651/ # RT @ivovegter: Sense, at last. Table mountain ‘Cable Card’ for SA citizens. Unlimited rides & skip Q for R490/y http://bit.ly/ewxC8L # Just read “Conversations in the cloud: The use of blogs to support learning in higher education” (http://bit.ly/gJr45r) Thanks @mpaskevi # RT @barrykayton: @michael_rowe…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-24
in Digestafrica, apa style, blooms taxonomy, College Art Exhibit Celebrates, critical thinking, downes, drawing. solitude, e-portfolios, facebook, latin abbreviations, legitimate peripheral participation, lurking, nancy white, NASA HD, networked learning, podcasting, privacy, productivity, Professor, real-time collaborative word processing, research, saide, sketchpad, sync.in, Tony Bates, twitter, ubuntu, ubuntu unity shell, writing, xkcd, youtube, Zen HabitsAcademic Productivity » New paths to “research productivity” http://bit.ly/dBnPYO # Bloom’s Taxonomy. Useful illustration with additional information that may assist with implementation http://bit.ly/cAFYwr # The Cronk of Higher Education » College Art Exhibit Celebrates 30 Years of Boredom in Academia (humour) http://bit.ly/cBufLp # APA Style Blog: It’s All Latin to Me: Latin Abbreviations in Scholarly…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-29
in DigestArora, yet another browser (http://bit.ly/11ww24). Instead of writing new browsers, why not contribute code to established projects? # I love xkcd http://bit.ly/7Qbv5 # Box of Tricks, website around using technology in education http://bit.ly/bpo6e # Collaborating with students on journal articles? Here’s a useful guideline for determining authorship http://bit.ly/M6k8 # Soccer in South Africa – some…