Tag: wordpress mu
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-22
To err is human: building a safer health system. Free book for download http://tinyurl.com/yzedbwk # RT @amcunningham: A Culture of Fear and Intimidation: Reforming Medical Education http://bit.ly/cngjbU #meded #professionalism # @Czernie Thanks Laura, there’s some good stuff there, will definitely use some of it # @cristinacost responded to your comment and removed 1 of your…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-15
in Digestaccreditation, android, backchannel, buddypress, cape town, clifton, community of practice, copyright, crap detection, curriculum, degree, educational reform, engagement, free content, freedom, george siemens, goats, higher education, howard rheingold, iphone, jisc, learning technology, lessig, managing information, microblogging, microecop, mobile learning, network, nexus one, ocw, oer, open courseware consortium, open educational resources, p2pu, pbl, peer to peer university, personal learning environments, ple, pop quizz, presentations, problem based learning, twitter, university of the western cape, uwc, web 3.0, wordpress mu@ryantracey Agreed. The process, rather than the certificate, should be emphasised # RT @wesleylynch: Video comparing iphone and nexus – http://ow.ly/17iBb. Can’t imagine how the iPhone will survive, Android is already better # RT @psychemedia: Are Higher Degrees a waste of time for most people? http://bit.ly/buKpOW. IT professionals are hardly “most people” # University finds…