Tag: Web Developer Intern
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-19
in Digestandroid, ascap, blooms taxonomy, cognician, copyleft, copyright, creative commons, Distance Learning, extended web, george siemens, Google, Google Docs, google scholar, http, Larry Ferlazzo, larry lessig, mp, open learning, phd, research, rita kop, RT, social learning, social media, stories, topsy, twitter, uwc physio, web 3.0, Web Developer Intern, youtubeRT @tucksoon: RT @john_larkin: This link is courtesy of the tireless Larry Ferlazzo: Useful Bloom’s Taxonomy “Pie” Chart http://j.mp/cx2Yn7 # RT @NancyWhite: “If eating sustains life biologically, storytelling sustains it culturally; a story gives a person a 2nd, 4th, 5th life.” # Reading Rita Kop Thesis May10 on Scribd http://scr.bi/9iTDxa #readcast # @cristinacost re. Google…