Tag: tedxcapetown
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-18
in Digestaudio, blended learning, canvas, critical thinking, daniel suarez, Donald Clark, e-learning, games, gaming, Google, Google Docs, Inside Higher Ed, instructure, kevin kelly, lms, mendeley, michael wesch, mobile learning, net generation, physiopedia, presentation, publication, Purdue University, research, RT, smartphones, social networks, tedxcapetown, twitter, We Can, wesch, wikipedia@EranEyal Found it hard to follow the links you were trying to make, presentation by video is hard. My comment was harsh, I apologise # #eraneyal throws together haphazard ideas in a rambling, incoherent, disconnected rant. WTF #tedxcapetown # @rachaellowe Is there a difference between “…informed” and “…based”? If so, what do you think it…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-07
in Digestabstract, africa, angry birds, Bill Gates, books, China, Connect Teachers & Students Worldwide, Docs, education, emerging countries, gina tripani, Google, Google Docs, identity, Looking forward, mendeley, Naive teacher, online lectures, open content, poster design, Professor, research, RT, social media, TED, tedxcapetown, The Chronicle of Higher Education, twitter, uct, Wired CampusFocus on the technology or not? http://ow.ly/1s78vm. Focusing on tech can highlight their relative strengths # Do you prefer printed books? http://ow.ly/1s78th. How we use books can impact format and device preferences # Making a Concrete Abstract http://bit.ly/gQzjN9. The most important part of your paper, the abstract determines whether your work is read # The…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-31
@damianrice Not sure what you mean 🙂 # @EranEyal no problem, talk sounds interesting, u know the URL? Would like to attend if possible # @gavdavis Thanks man, now we just have to get funding so that everyone can go 🙂 # 8 out of 9 abstracts submitted from UWC physio dept accepted for presentation…