Tag: table mountain
Running on Table Mountain
I’ve used this site almost entirely for my research- and pedagogic-related interests but recently I started to think it might serve as something more personal. So I’m going to start experimenting with using the site for sharing other things I enjoy. It’ll probably only be photos and very short posts, much like this one. Today…
On my way to work this morning
On my way to work this morning. What a lovely way to start the day.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-17
@Suhaifa it’s an easy walk, easier than lions head, don’t stress 🙂 # Daily Papert http://t.co/vJQhrNh4. We can’t solve the world’s problems with the same thinking that created them # Critical Thinker Explains Skepticism vs. Cynicism http://t.co/Zmxh81m9 via @zite # RT @engadget: MobiUS smartphone ultrasound hits the market two years too late for relevancy http://t.co/DaWRQqXo…