Tag: social construction
Posted to Diigo 06/15/2012
Social Pedagogies « Randy Bass we have only begun to understand the ways that the “social life of information” and the social construction of knowledge can reshape the ways we create learning experiences in the formal college curriculum we define social pedagogies as design approaches for teaching and learning that engage students with what we…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-02
How to Do Research Interactive Graphic http://t.co/d1GiHBgO via @zite # Vygotsky (1896-1934) – social construction, mediation, ZPD, language, play & special needs http://t.co/K82MB5Wi via @zite # The history of distance learning [Infographic] http://t.co/6gAWhqot via @zite # The best April Fool’s jokes in our round-up, Google wins http://t.co/OZ2D7uwc via @zite # Working on a new project…developing…