Tag: small groups
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-16
I just finished writing the first draft of the “Small Group Learning” article, and sent it to the designer for… http://t.co/YX4kX8AE # Badges Go To Graduate School http://t.co/MONZHIPt # Picking fresh oreganum https://t.co/U5y3Oded # A Digital Revolution for Studying Human Anatomy | Wired Science | http://t.co/qlXkciBT http://t.co/c2AXNpoh # How to lecture in a PBL classroom…
Posted to Diigo 04/05/2012
Note: The following are highlighted passages from Diigo, which explains the poor layout and structure. Learning in small groups – MEDEV, School of Medical Sciences Education Development Students working in small groups interact in a variety of ways and the teacher has an important role to play Barriers, more often perceived than real, may impede…
Posted to Diigo 08/21/2011
OllieBray.com: Is a broken down car parked? “ ‘Thunks’ are deceptively tricky little questions that ‘make your brain go ouch!’ Ian’s examples of ‘Thunks’ include: ‘Is a broken down car parked?’ ‘If you read a newspaper in the newsagents without paying for it, is it stealing?’ ‘Do all polo’s taste the same?’ ‘Can you be…