Tag: realm
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-01
in Digestacademia, british medical association, cities, city planning, cityafrica, classrooms, design, formal education, ipad apps, iphone, kevin kelly, learning spaces, legitimate peripheral participation, living spaces, medical records, mendeley, Mobile computing, mokena makena, policy, qr codes, realm, samsung galaxy, social media, stafford massie, tedxstellenbosch, working spacesCities Are Immortal; Companies Die http://bit.ly/pEWOmx. Masie briefly mentioned this Kelly article (I think) in his great presentation at #cityafrica # (link updated after the fact) Historic medical manuscripts go online http://ow.ly/1v9v0b # Omniscient Mobile Computing: What if Your Apps Knew Everything About Where You Are? http://ow.ly/1v9tkE. Reminded of Masie at #cityafrica # Is RT…