Tag: powerpoint
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-26
The Jig is Up | iterating toward openness http://t.co/RHFePJRX # Knowledge, Information, Wisdom http://t.co/uLWfpV9p # Steve Jobs: “People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint” http://t.co/xHqMHyjl via @zite # A Refreshing Take on User Experience Design http://t.co/CQG2AGEE via @zite # Bloom’s Taxonomy – A Parent’s Guide http://t.co/6NaXWkoS via @zite # New iPad App…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-17
@Suhaifa it’s an easy walk, easier than lions head, don’t stress 🙂 # Daily Papert http://t.co/vJQhrNh4. We can’t solve the world’s problems with the same thinking that created them # Critical Thinker Explains Skepticism vs. Cynicism http://t.co/Zmxh81m9 via @zite # RT @engadget: MobiUS smartphone ultrasound hits the market two years too late for relevancy http://t.co/DaWRQqXo…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-03
m4Lit Project, exploring the use of mobile phones to promote literacy in South Africa http://bit.ly/aluIZS # Mobile Phones and Literacy in Rural Communities | A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education http://bit.ly/cIakYu # The African Virtual School, offering maths, english and ICT courses to learners across Africa http://bit.ly/9aP7ln # @sbestbier Powerpoint as used…
Posted to Diigo 03/28/2010
Garr Reynolds/Design Basics If you can master these fundamental concepts, your graphical treatments — from PowerPoint slides to Microsoft Word documents to company brochures — will greatly improve Seven basic graphic design principlesUnity Unity may be the single most important concept. All elements on a page (or slide, poster, etc.) must look like they belong…