Tag: plenk2010
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-20
in Digestafrica, african education, alpha, android, blended learning, clinical education, cool site, Distance Learning, dropbox, facebook, george siemens, Google, irrodl, learning management system, learning styles, lms, networked learning, oer, Online Research, open data, open research, open teaching, personal learning environment, phd, ple, plenk2010, presentation, research, RT, slideshare, snapp, social networks, south africa, student network visualisation tool, The Chronicle, The Complete Android Guide, thuthuka funding, trailmeme, twitter, visible thinking, wcpt congressRT @Glinner: The secret. Is the incorrect use of. Puntuation. RT @KrystalSim International Talk Like Christopher Walken Day…brilliant 🙂 # RT @davecormier: #PLENK2010 post http://bit.ly/c6M0Em PLEs – disaggregate power, not people # RT @paullowe: The Cognitive Surplus of a conference revisited – more reflections on #del10 http://ow.ly/2Grlz #altc2010 # RT @NancyWhite: Very cool site about…