Tag: open courseware
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-24
in Digestactivity theory, alpha, blogging, cable card, cognician, concept map, connectivism, Construct Activity Systems, Dave Pollard, decision book, digital habitats, email, facebook, joanne hardman, learning theories, mit, mont fleur, mp, open courseware, RT, Silicon Cape, standing desk, twitter, writing retreat, xkcd, zotero♻ @samanthaperry #xkcd on airport security stupididty – classic http://xkcd.com/651/ # RT @ivovegter: Sense, at last. Table mountain ‘Cable Card’ for SA citizens. Unlimited rides & skip Q for R490/y http://bit.ly/ewxC8L # Just read “Conversations in the cloud: The use of blogs to support learning in higher education” (http://bit.ly/gJr45r) Thanks @mpaskevi # RT @barrykayton: @michael_rowe…
The Cape Town Open Education declaration
Open education, open resources, open courseware, open content and so on, is something that I believe very strongly in. Without going into much detail, I think it’s important that those of us who can and who have, do something positive for those who can’t and who don’t. The Cape Town Open Education declaration is exactly…