Tag: francois cilliers
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-26
in Digestacademic publication, africa, Albert Einstein, America, android, API, assessment, bamboo, bill burdick, Brazil, curricular alignment, david wiley, derek moore, digital divide, Distance Learning, Eaton, extended web, facebook, final research products, francois cilliers, generic skills, george siemens, graduate attributes, herman von rossum, India, Inside Higher Ed, Internet Runs Out of Addresses, iphone, IPv4, IPv6, irrational nonsense, Japanese forest, kewl, lecturer in the physiotherapy department, Mellville, mendeley android app, Mendeley Open API!, myspace, online community, Online Community Guide, open access, open source tools, ORT, pdf, personal learning environments, phd, physiotherapy, ple, portfolios, presentation, private server, research, RT, safri, scientific american, scientist, scribefire, slideshare, Social Learning Networks, southampton, steve wheeler, supervisor, systematic review, teaching and learning policy, times magazine, transformative learning, twitter, United States, web 3.0, weblearning, webx, wikisRT @sguilana: the web doesn’t forget, an article at NY times magazine worth reading: http://is.gd/dHIl9 # RT @wesleylynch: Awesome – need this on a t shirt – RT @jacquesmillard: the periodic table of irrational nonsense http://ow.ly/2gbQb. # Podcast with George Siemens on Social Learning Networks: from theory to practice http://bit.ly/9fCUQa # Teaching for Transformative Learning…