Tag: commons
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-20
Confidentiality within physiotherapy: perceptions and attitudes of clinical practitioners http://bit.ly/17OAXo # Teaching Commons – Scholarship of Teaching & Learning http://bit.ly/KnSy4 # Randy Bass: The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem? (Introduction) http://bit.ly/odIu7 # The Evidence on Online Education – Report saying that blended approach to learning is more successful than online alone http://bit.ly/WOWYa # Mendeley…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31
Freebase Parallax: A new way to browse and explore data, search the semantic web http://bit.ly/w5oHY # “How the Internet is Changing Education”, some interesting ideas http://bit.ly/wk5Ue # List of example scoring rubrics for various subjects, maintained by California State University http://bit.ly/S9vsG # The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin (1968) http://bit.ly/SAD0g and the Wikipedia…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-08
in DigestRT @cami13 Blogging as Academic Publication http://url.ie/196n. Also, the changing nature of academic publication at http://bit.ly/14dgFv # @cami13 Lots of great stuff on that blog you suggested. Too many smart people out there, too little time to follow them all 🙁 in reply to cami13 # @sbestbier “Animal experts have dispute that theory”. Funny stuff…