Tag: blog award site
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-09
in Digestacademic publication, africa, Agreed RT, AMEE, android eclair, apa style, blog award site, blog to book, BP, Bruce Cohen, China, cite twitter, community of practice, congress, cop, david wiley, discourse analysis, educause review, facebook, freedom of the press, Google, htc, htc hero, http, interim assessment, ipad, Justin M. Bonzo, keynote speakers, learning spaces, Library of Congress, medical education, medium raw, online spaces, open phd, personal online spaces, phd thesis writer, research supervision, rooting android, RT, search, sharing research, social media, south africa, Stuart Stobbs, supervisors, teaching with technology, tech4africa, tedx stellenbosch, the EDUCAUSE Review, Thought Leader, twitter, Wine, write or dieRT @JaneDavis13 Good thinking points RT @gcouros: 10 ways to think about your learning space… « Fantastic http://bit.ly/cdoBZf # Started reading: Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook, by A. Bourdain http://amzn.to/bPLxUN # #nowlistening to The Sinner In Me by Depeche Mode from Playing The Angel. http://is.gd/e8ylL…