Tag: authorship
Weekly digest 31
A weekly collection of things I found interesting, thought-provoking, or inspiring. It’s almost always about higher education, mostly technology, and usually AI-related.
‘We wish to disclose that GPT-4 was used in this manuscript’
“We wish to disclose that GPT-4 was used in this manuscript. Specifically, GPT-4 was used to generate an initial draft of this text based on prompting by A.K.M. and A.L.B. This text was then edited, refined, and verified for correctness by all of the authors. The intellectual contributions, ideas, and conclusions presented herein are exclusively…
Weekly digest (26 Jun – 02 Jul 2023)
I’ve been thinking a lot about practical guidance for academics who are feeling disoriented by ChatGPT and other language models. Some recognise there’s no getting away from this, and are actively experimenting with the technology to try and understand it better. Even if they’re not embracing LLMs with a happy heart, they can see we…