Tag: Animation
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21
in Digestamerican internet, Animation, author, backchannel, blooms digital taxonomy, BP, cars writing model, cent, Co-operative, collaborative learning, e-learning, facebook, Fast Company, FIFA, gilly salmon, Google, Google Docs, Google Earth, google search story, Harvard, http, Internet stars, journals, learning management system, lms, meego, mendeley, michael wesch, new media, oer, online world, open educational resources, otter trail, peer review, personal learning environment, player, ple, plearn, presentation, privacy, publication, reading, research, RT, Running stable, sajp, Salford, slideshare, social learning roles, social media, south africa, stephen downes, steve wheeler, swot analysis, tagxedo, twitter, uct, vygotsky poster, wordpress 3.0, world cup, world cup 2010, youtubeRT @dreamingspires: RT @stevesilberman: First time I’ve seen the phrase “the American Internet.” http://bit.ly/anZeIc # RT @barrykayton: Reading Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 on Scribd http://scr.bi/cBGHrj #readcast # From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments, by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/daChh2 # Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model of e-learning http://bit.ly/c1MKHB # Social Media Explained Visually «…