Michael Rowe

Trying to get better at getting better

Ten links for the weekend, in no particular order.

  1. Maximilian Schreiner (2024-06-08). Inconsistent and Illogical: Study Uncovers the Erratic Reasoning of AI Language Models
  2. Mark Carrigan (2024-06-08). The Conventionally Handsome Professional Man Who Stalks ChatGPT’s Unconscious
  3. Matthias Bastian (2024-06-08). OpenAI’s New Method Shows How GPT-4 “Thinks” in Human-Understandable Concepts
  4. Ethan Mollick (2024). Four Singularities for Research.
  5. Anthropic (2024-06-08). Mapping the Mind of a Large Language Model.
  6. Donald Clark (2024). Is UX Design Killing Product 25 Ways to Make Your E-Learning Totally Suck!
  7. Ian O’Byrne (2024). Navigating the Digital Landscape: Enjoy Screens, But Not Too Much, Mostly Together.
  8. Farnam Street (2017). Do algorithms beat us at Complex Decision Making.
  9. Moss And Fog (2024-06-06). Incredible Milky Way Photos Show Our Place in the Universe.
  10. Neal Stephenson (2002-11-13). In the Beginning was the Command Line.

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