- @RachaelLowe I’m hoping to present at WCPT, & uni will only fund if that happens, so holding thumbs. B great to meet somehow #
- @rachaellowe Pity. I’m also trying to get to 2 conferences Manchester & Southampton, from 6-14 July. Maybe we can meet sometime then? #
- RT @wesleylynch: RT @Realmdigital: 20 movies to geek out to this year http://bit.ly/gofu0v #
- RT @wesleylynch: RT @sbestbier: “Behold, Android 3.0: Secret Weapon of Multiple Tablet PCs” http://bit.ly/eoRaXb <- It looks quite slick #
- Basic Instructions – Basic Instructions – How to Pick a Baby Name http://bit.ly/gEx4Tg #
- Uploaded abstract for presentation at #ECE conference: Using social networks to develop practice knowledge http://ht.ly/3zinN #
- Uploaded another abstract for the #AMEE conference: The use of a wiki to facilitate collaborative learning http://ht.ly/3zgnM #
- @chapalmer I hate that if students underperform, we blame teachers. But if anything good happens, politicians are first to take credit #
- @realmdigital Would love to have come round, but have something else on at the same time #
- @realmdigital Sadly, not but looking forward to following #geekretreat on the Twitter. Enjoy the next few days #
- e-Learning Stuff » Blog Archive » Are you stealing stuff? http://bit.ly/emE5fs. Clear guidelines for teachers wanting to use digital sources #
- a musing space; a performance in progress: Beyond avoidance http://bit.ly/guTMOa. Cute post that many postgrads will identify with #
- Happy birthday @hfordsa. Hope #geekretreat is awesome this year #
- @RachaelLowe working on it. 1 abstract done, will do another tomorrow. Hope its enough. U going to be there? #
- Just logged into #Scribd for the first time in months and all of the documents I uploaded last year are gone. Anyone else have this problem? #
- Uploaded abstract for presentation at AMEE conference later this year – “Blended Learning in Clinical Education” http://scr.bi/eg2PnJ #
- RT @cristinacost: Scholarly Communication: A Journey from Print to Web : http://bit.ly/g1Ihns #
- RT @BlancheMaynard: Nonacademic skills key to success. Among those, emotional stability and perseverance: http://bit.ly/hxZRlE #
- @cristinacost @BlancheMaynard: Just finished “Emotional intelligence”, very strong case made for the role of emotional stability in learning #
- Thanks @crispian_jago for the updated version of the Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense http://bit.ly/guYfML #
- Listening to Elbow – One Day Like This http://t.co/MR6hEYG via @youtube #
- Listening to Elbow – Grounds For Divorce http://t.co/tlf7U2E via @youtube #
- First Monday. Koltay – New media and literacies: Amateurs vs. professionals http://bit.ly/gHsfSR #
- First Monday. Reilly – Teaching Wikipedia as a mirrored technology http://bit.ly/f33asI #
- @hfordsa Would love to pop in to say hi. Been busy but getting back into things. Prizegiving details? #
- RT @wesleylynch: More on ebooks – http://ow.ly/3xkqi #
- @theobnoxiousowl Then it’s fun and educational 🙂 #
- The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English http://bit.ly/dSCX80. I like this… #
- RT @cristinacost: now reading: Learning,Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age http://bit.ly/gF5Zpb #
- RT @malinkaiva: Education as a platform: http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/09/education-as-a-platform.html #Web20 #elearning #
- xkcd: Science. Because it works http://bit.ly/ftqskK #
- 1st day back at work. I hope 2011 will suck less than the last few months of 2010 did. I think I’ll try out the whole “new beginnings” thing #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-10
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