- RT @Glinner: The secret. Is the incorrect use of. Puntuation. RT @KrystalSim International Talk Like Christopher Walken Day…brilliant 🙂 #
- RT @davecormier: #PLENK2010 post http://bit.ly/c6M0Em PLEs – disaggregate power, not people #
- RT @paullowe: The Cognitive Surplus of a conference revisited – more reflections on #del10 http://ow.ly/2Grlz #altc2010 #
- RT @NancyWhite: Very cool site about making thinking visible http://bit.ly/64RWW3 #visual_thinking #
- @amcunningham Went to watch a game in Croke Park when I was living there, can’t believe more people don’t die during those games 🙂 in reply to amcunningham #
- Previous link to “Blended learning in clinical education” presentation had issues, this one seems to be better http://ht.ly/2Gs5u #
- @Thinkbirth Bizarre, the 2nd link works for me as well. Try http://www.slideshare.net/theboatashore/blended-learning-in-clinical-education in reply to Thinkbirth #
- #Thuthuka funding application for #PhD got rejected…I didn’t ask for enough money. Institution says they will cover my relevant expenses #
- @Thinkbirth Mmm, just tested it, it works for me. Try this one http://ht.ly/2Grlu in reply to Thinkbirth #
- #nowlistening to Lifeboats by Snow Patrol from A Hundred Million Suns. http://is.gd/fhRAk #
- Just uploaded a presentation to SlideShare: Blended learning in clinical education http://slidesha.re/cbCe5s #
- RT @cristinacost: TEDX by kids for kids! http://twurl.nl/mu3p8a live now #
- Free new guide to teaching at a distance from South Africa http://ow.ly/1qS22w #
- Google Chrome Extensions at School: Research and write papers http://ow.ly/1qS1Qf #
- Now Available: The Complete Android Guide http://ow.ly/1qS1Hw #
- Open source Facebook replacement Diaspora drops first alpha http://ow.ly/1qS1Ay #
- RT @veletsianos: Learning styles: Zero evidence. http://bit.ly/bilavA #
- RT @presentationzen: “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.” http://post.ly/y7BZ #
- @courosa Docs, Mendeley, WordPress/Buddypress, Skype in reply to courosa #
- @mpaskevi Just finished listening to your presentation on OER, really enjoyed it. Sorry, but can’t seem to find download link 🙁 in reply to mpaskevi #
- @mpaskevi I disagree. I believe that when academics comprehend the value of openness, they do embrace it, but minds are hard to change 🙂 in reply to mpaskevi #
- Consensus, difference & ‘multiple communities’ in networked learning http://ow.ly/1qRRGm #
- Collect, Process and Share Your Online Research with Trailmeme http://ow.ly/1qRRDR #
- 10 Things You Didn’t Know About the New Twitter.com http://ow.ly/2FtS5 #
- RT @TheObnoxiousOwl: If you love me you will RT http://www.obnoxiousowl.com #
- Just submitted my abstract for #WCPT congress, 2011: Social networks to develop practice knowledge in UG physio students http://ht.ly/2EuG3 #
- SNAPP: “a student network visualisation tool from the extraction of discussion forum activity” http://ht.ly/2Erky #
- The Chronicle – Online, bigger classes may be better classes. “Open teaching”, when the world is welcome http://ht.ly/2Erel #
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning: issue on innovation in African education http://ht.ly/2Er8v #
- Gurstein’s Community Informatics – Open Data: Empowering the Empowered or Effective Data Use for Everyone? http://ht.ly/2EqYO #
- Elearnspace – Africa: Millenium Development Goals. George Siemens’ post on changing educational strategy in Africa http://ht.ly/2EqQv #
- @RonaldArendse was good to catch up a bit. How’d your presentation go? Did you speak your mind 🙂 #
- I need more Dropbox space! If you’ve been thinking about using it, consider signing up from this link http://db.tt/6rNr3jz. Thanks if you do #
- Open Research? I often wonder why people would voluntarily participate in research…maybe to learn? http://ow.ly/1qQO6b #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-20
in Digest
africa, african education, alpha, android, blended learning, clinical education, cool site, Distance Learning, dropbox, facebook, george siemens, Google, irrodl, learning management system, learning styles, lms, networked learning, oer, Online Research, open data, open research, open teaching, personal learning environment, phd, ple, plenk2010, presentation, research, RT, slideshare, snapp, social networks, south africa, student network visualisation tool, The Chronicle, The Complete Android Guide, thuthuka funding, trailmeme, twitter, visible thinking, wcpt congress
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