- RT @dreamingspires: RT @stevesilberman: First time I’ve seen the phrase “the American Internet.” http://bit.ly/anZeIc #
- RT @barrykayton: Reading Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 on Scribd http://scr.bi/cBGHrj #readcast #
- From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments, by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/daChh2 #
- Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model of e-learning http://bit.ly/c1MKHB #
- Social Media Explained Visually « Learning http://bit.ly/9WcLne #
- The Ed Techie: The return on peer review. I love the idea of only reviewing for open access journals http://bit.ly/cmeKmg #
- elearnspace › The Return on Peer Review. Short post highlighting the absurdity of paying for journal access http://bit.ly/bQ6apB #
- LMS: A Quick SWOT Analysis | Interesting summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the LMS http://bit.ly/cbGMhH #
- Tagxedo – Tag Cloud generator similar to Wordle, but creates images with clouds http://bit.ly/cGSXK1 #
- RT @cspenn: Aerial photos from the BP spill on the TED blog: http://bit.ly/dADN9W Ocean on fire a crazy sight. #
- World Cup 2010 Twitter replay | Watch games as seen by activity on Twitter http://bit.ly/aOi5wq #
- Learning Journey » Blog Archive » Don’t blame the technology! http://bit.ly/auhfWO #
- 2¢ Worth » The Teaching Profession http://bit.ly/9Tpice #
- Plearn Blog. Personal Learning Environment Project. Some great posts http://bit.ly/auSVvI #
- Vygotsky research poster, from Pontydysgu. Lots of content, but can zoom in. Interesting read http://bit.ly/cjLdPO #
- Just upgraded my blog to WP 3.0 “Thelonious”. Haven’t played with it much, but new features look cool http://bit.ly/auQGdO #
- Key Social Learning Roles. Table comparing different skills required to fulfill different roles http://bit.ly/aIyfum #
- Internet stars are viral. Video on YouTube, made me smile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi_XEAA9X6c&feature=player_embedded #
- History of the internet. Video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hIQjrMHTv4&feature=player_embedded #
- Mendeley Desktop v0.9.7 Released – from the Mendeley Blog http://bit.ly/dsyUc0 #
- Absolutely loving the new collaborative editing features of Google Docs, please consider reviewing my draft article http://bit.ly/950gfG #
- Just installed Meego on my netbook, and I’m…underwhelmed. The On the + side, the UI is clean and the system is blazing fast #
- Recommended Reading for Blended Learning? | Digital Fingerprint http://bit.ly/bbZPYw #
- OER@UCT | A search for education in an online world. Another Google Search Story http://bit.ly/c4KKaG #
- Open academia. Post by Blackall on some of the issues in publication http://tinyurl.com/3ay9rld #
- Writing plain English. Nice guideline for quantifying vague statements in publications http://tinyurl.com/33e3nu8 #
- RT @umairh: Don’t be right. Be wrong. Everything transformative is wrong in the eyes of the status quo – until it becomes right. #
- @cristinacost Not sure if you found anything on CARS model yet. Try http://bit.ly/cVTrY8 (it’s actually from someone at Salford) in reply to cristinacost #
- @paulscott56 Do you know who’s responsible for tweeting from @udubs? in reply to paulscott56 #
- @paulscott56 Just downloaded Meego (http://meego.com/), thinking of switching to it for a bit. Liked Moblin but it wasn’t ready at the time in reply to paulscott56 #
- @cristinacost APA for us at UWC in SA. Only used Harvard once for an article…felt awkward after using APA for so long in reply to cristinacost #
- @cristinacost I almost never read it, unless the paper has made a big impact on me. But I follow up on authors on blogs all the time in reply to cristinacost #
- @paulscott56 Brilliant when campus is empty and the bandwidth is available. Is the UWC mirror still up? in reply to paulscott56 #
- @cristinacost Intro/Discussion first, usually that’s all I read, unless the paper is relevant for my own work. What is “author’s line”? in reply to cristinacost #
- @paulscott56 I did when it came out and have no regrets. Running stable & aesthetic improvements are nice, but otherwise nothing major in reply to paulscott56 #
- RT @cristinacost: how do you read an article? in a linear way, or do you have your on way to make sense of the text ? #
- The new Google Docs graduates. Improved real-time editing and collaboration features http://bit.ly/dBgG3w /cc @feedly #
- Over 20% of the world’s scholarly journals now open access (http://ht.ly/1YAPt). Take note SAJP and others, the time is coming 🙂 #
- The Daily Maverick :: Secretly, Match blames South Africa. Great post by Ivo on how we’re getting screwed by FIFA http://bit.ly/bk4aSv #
- RT @sbestbier: No way…awesome: “Google Earth: Hiker’s Edition http://bit.ly/bob5TZ" – will be interesting for Otter trail in a few weeks #
- Incorporating a back channel in a presentation or lecture http://bit.ly/b3LOlG #
- Infographic: Facebook’s Labyrinthine Privacy Settings | Fast Company http://bit.ly/d703Sj #
- Visible Tweets – Might be nice to have running alongside a presentation (with an appropriate tag) http://bit.ly/aOLboz #
- PowerPoint Twitter Tools – integrating Twitter into your presentation http://bit.ly/dwOrv0 #
- Incorporating a back channel in a presentation or lecture http://bit.ly/b3LOlG #
- Incorporating a back channel in a presentation or lecture http://bit.ly/b3LOlG #
- Towards the networked school – interesting graphic showing convergence of “different” educational domains http://bit.ly/9aa4Vm #
- Willetts floats idea of separating teaching and examining. Comment by Stephen Downes http://bit.ly/amRrI5 #
- The Future of the Journal. Basic idea = data is linked to the final publication and annotated with metadata http://bit.ly/coBX0J #
- Collaborative and Co-operative Learning: The How and the Why. Slideshare presentation by Steve Wheeler http://bit.ly/baxJ9l #
- Post It Note Stop Motion Animation. Pretty amazing project http://bit.ly/cqLpxj #
- Some Sanity in the ‘Web Makes Us Dumber’ Debate http://bit.ly/b7v9WF #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-21
in Digest
american internet, Animation, author, backchannel, blooms digital taxonomy, BP, cars writing model, cent, Co-operative, collaborative learning, e-learning, facebook, Fast Company, FIFA, gilly salmon, Google, Google Docs, Google Earth, google search story, Harvard, http, Internet stars, journals, learning management system, lms, meego, mendeley, michael wesch, new media, oer, online world, open educational resources, otter trail, peer review, personal learning environment, player, ple, plearn, presentation, privacy, publication, reading, research, RT, Running stable, sajp, Salford, slideshare, social learning roles, social media, south africa, stephen downes, steve wheeler, swot analysis, tagxedo, twitter, uct, vygotsky poster, wordpress 3.0, world cup, world cup 2010, youtube
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