- Google and Wikipedia — Separated at Birth? http://tinyurl.com/yzxj3az #
- @patrickkayton I liked the cartoon look 🙂 #
- YouTube – Students Helping Students. A video by Michael Wesch http://bit.ly/cE7aDL #
- I know it’s ridiculously early, but I’m already looking forward to SAAHE ’10 at Wits in July this year http://bit.ly/9CGOA6 #
- @Sallykenyon12 Not on it at all, just saw a random tweet and followed it up. Don’t know if I have enough voyeur / time to watch other people #
- How to Destroy the Book, by Cory Doctorow (part two) | theVARSITY.ca http://bit.ly/awIOZX #
- Race Shapes Teen Facebook and MySpace Adoption, says danah boyd – ReadWriteStart http://bit.ly/c55Brc #
- Mohamed Amine Chatti’s ongoing research on Technology Enhanced Learning http://bit.ly/bPCgyp #
- Gumption: Clinical Wisdom: Knowledge, Experience, Compassion, Creativity and Honesty http://bit.ly/d8S9lF #
- Kevin Smith’s Plus-Sized Predicament : NPR http://bit.ly/axsayt #
- Chatroulette – only mildly disturbing http://bit.ly/bRdeWy #
- @cristinacost thanks for the offer, i’ll think about it and get back to you #
- @cristinacost at this point, a #diigo educators account is all I want. I’m tired of asking them for one #
- RT @pgsimoes: Building a #PLE – 15 Must-Have Web Apps for Students – http://ow.ly/197p0. Didn’t know about most of these…thanks #
- RT @acedtect: Don’t just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening! http://www.shadyurl.com/index.php. This is awesome 🙂 #
- Filesharing is illegal, but not wrong. Winning essay by Canadian 12th grade student http://tinyurl.com/****** #
- RT @openednews: News: OpenCourseWare Consortium Panel Recap http://bit.ly/aVkMia (apologies for the shameless self-plug) #
- School Accused Of Spying On Kids In Their Homes With Spyware That Secretly Activated Webcams | Techdirt http://bit.ly/c6Wn4e #
- xkcd: Science Valentine. This is awesome http://bit.ly/9nbXs9 #
- The tool for the 21st century classroom. I use Docs, I collaborate with Docs, but this lady is way ahead of me http://bit.ly/cBRrB8 #
- I really like using KJots and it seems as if it’s going to be getting some very cool new features http://bit.ly/bZr2Lc #
- ♻ @pgsimoes: RT @antoesp: RT @Czernie Interesting: ‘A #Research Revolution: The Impact of Digital Technologies’ http://tinyurl.com/ydr63lu #
- @amcunningham he is, my comment is “saved, awaiting moderation”, it’s only short one, sent from phone between shop and office #
- Public Collections Empathy in Medical Education – Anne Marie Cunningham | Mendeley http://bit.ly/b5o2xV #
- @patrickkayton I think that’d be a great use of #cognician why don’t you whip something up for us quickly 🙂 #
- @amcunningham done, exciting stuff, we’ll have to come up with a cool name for this type of project…extreme writing or something 🙂 #
- @amcunningham If you mean lit. rev. online with docs, etc, I’m super-keen 🙂 #
- Arin’s Blog: How to write a literature review using only the web http://bit.ly/cVn4S2 #
- @marlonparker complete loss of speaker’s credibility #
- RT @clebe05: @wesleylynch did a cool interview on #TheDigitalEdge podcast – have a listen and share your thoughts – http://ow.ly/17OPS #
- Journals as Filters and Active Agents | Virtual Canuck. Make sure to read the comments as well http://bit.ly/b7CxPk #
- @cristinacost I like Carrington (http://bit.ly/bBhPef) on my WP site (www.mrowe.co.za/blog) #
- Great interview with Salman Khan (khanacademy.org) on his response to a crisis in education http://bit.ly/cPcLIb #
- Siemens – Teaching in Social and Technological Networks http://tinyurl.com/yknuclq #
- Developing a Pedagogical Framework for Web 2.0 and social software http://tinyurl.com/y9zsddj #
- @wesleylynch thanks, finding the stuff I’m working on at the moment quite a challenge 🙂 #
- Aligning outcomes, content and assessment to more accurately measure competence and facilitate meaningful learning…this stuff is hard #
- @sharingnicely I’m pretty happy with my coverage from Vodacom, haven’t been anywhere yet that doesn’t have it. Can’t speak for US tho #
- ♻ @p2pu: Breaking News: The new http://www.p2pu.org is live, and beautiful. Sign up for your course today! Congrats Bekka, it looks great 🙂 #
- A critique of Tapscott and William’s views on university reform, in Educause Review (see previous tweet) http://bit.ly/bUDcP2 #
- Innovating the 21st-Century University: It’s Time! (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE http://bit.ly/bkMYbo #
- Getting excited about the upcoming SAFRI (medical education) session in a few weeks http://bit.ly/99ULI7 #
- Just upgraded to #Kubuntu Lucid running #KDE 4.4 – better stability & nice new features, enjoying it so far http://bit.ly/ayygg0 #
- Facebook Driving More Traffic Than Google. Hard to believe & only 1 metric but is it a sign of things to come? http://tinyurl.com/ybxcwol #
- Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education by Schmidt in the IRRODL journal http://bit.ly/bFVpMd via @addthis #
- Alternative Grad School: creating a do-it-yourself higher learning experience http://bit.ly/cBuCVM #
- Mobile platforms are proliferating. Check out MeeGo (merged Moblin & Maemo) http://bit.ly/d69pLv #
- Thought Leader » Eve Dmochowska » The web’s unavoidable sharp learning curve. Interesting comments http://bit.ly/9OPmrE #
- RT @maggiev: TESSA – Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (lovely resources here) http://bit.ly/dtb6rU #
- RT @patrickkayton: About to present Cognician to postgrad students and academics at CPUT. Smart crowd! #
- ♻ @cshirky: RT @pomeranian99: Length of Britannica’s entry about Wikipedia: 913 words. Length of Wikipedia’s entry about Britannica: 6,804. #
- Finalising details of collaborative project with Irish physio students on Physiopedia #isp1 http://bit.ly/dz2UGb #
- 21st century literacies (HASTAC), 10 additional literacies over and above the 3 R’s http://bit.ly/dtFcJt #
- Effective Pedagogy – rubric based on the structure of observed learning outcomes http://bit.ly/bV6dvv #
- OpeningScholarship Project | Centre for Educational Technology at UCT. Lots of interesting content http://bit.ly/brrRKk #
- UCT OpenContent portal now live. Congratulations to all involved http://bit.ly/dfAeCH #
- I’m on the #microecop programme committee (http://ow.ly/176eM), but sadly not on the list yet 🙁 #
- For The Love Of Culture – post by Lessig on issues around copyright and rights clearance http://bit.ly/bxsNCn #
- @gsiemens I’ve been using Chromium for a few months and now find FF slow and clunky #
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