- @ryantracey Agreed. The process, rather than the certificate, should be emphasised #
- RT @wesleylynch: Video comparing iphone and nexus – http://ow.ly/17iBb. Can’t imagine how the iPhone will survive, Android is already better #
- RT @psychemedia: Are Higher Degrees a waste of time for most people? http://bit.ly/buKpOW. IT professionals are hardly “most people” #
- University finds free online classes don’t hurt enrollment http://bit.ly/9zztuR #
- Mobile Learning Principles – interesting, but unrealistic in a developing country. “Mobile” does not = smartphone http://bit.ly/97WUu4 #
- Presenting while people are twittering, an increasingly common backchannel. Be aware of it and use it if possible http://bit.ly/bymSUE #
- Presentation Zen: The “Lessig Method” of presentation. Great resource on improving your presentation skills http://bit.ly/aTykYr #
- About “P”! « Plearn Blog. This post raises some interesting questions about the challenges of using PLEs http://bit.ly/9cDqd6 #
- Crazy Goats. I don’t usually share this sort of thing, but this pretty amazing http://bit.ly/9Hg32e #
- Learning technologies in engineering education. For anyone interested in integrating “distance” with “practical” http://bit.ly/a9lclC #
- Think ‘Network Structure’ not ‘Networking’. I always thought “networking” was too haphazard to bother with http://bit.ly/acuw1g #
- Clifton beach earlier today. I think I like it here http://twitgoo.com/dv85w #
- @davidworth Hi David, thanks for the blog plug #
- @sharingnicely: go around institutional pushback when policy is unfriendly to OER #OCW #
- @dkeats: free content enables students to use scarce financial resources to acquire tech instead, which grants access to vastly more content #
- Butcher: the curricular framework must drive development of OER – content comes after learning #OCW #
- Neil Butcher from OERAfrica: OER can’t work without institutional support #OCW #
- Why is copyright in OER even an issue? Copyright applies equally to OER and non-OER #OCW #
- If you think of a degree as a learning experience, rather than a certificate, formal accreditation is less important. See P2PU #OCW #
- Is there a difference between OER and #OCW I’m wary of the emphasis on content as a means of changing teaching practice #
- @dkeats Improvement in quality is always important, isn’t it? No-one is aiming for mediocrity #
- OCW workshop at UWC today, OCW board present incl. MIT OCW, should be a good day, quite proud its happening here #
- RT @cristinacost: RT @gconole: Sarah Knight on JISC elearning prog including excellent eff. practice pubs http://bit.ly/c1wVF6 #
- RT @c4lpt: MicroECoP – Uisng microblogging to enhance communication within Communities of Practice http://bit.ly/9ofx3O #microecop #
- Making the Pop Quiz More Positive. I like the change of mindset that the post suggests, pop quizzes aren’t punishment http://bit.ly/d5IiMV #
- @cristinacost Looks good, you’re further along with your project than I am with mine, I might have to come to you for advice 🙂 #
- Problem-Based Learning: A Quick Review « Teaching Professor. Nice, short summary of why PBL is a Good Thing http://bit.ly/cOAQeY #
- @cristinacost What’s your interest in Buddypress? I recently set up WPMU/BP platform for physio dept social network to explore CoP #
- Microblogging to enhance communication within communities of practice http://bit.ly/a0saa4 #microecop #
- There’s a war goin’ on here, donchaknow? Retro copyright posters at EdTechPost http://bit.ly/aBsVwu #
- Post by Howard Rheingold on crap detection on the internet should be required reading for everyone online http://bit.ly/dsGtha #
- Scroll down for the 5 C’s of Engagement on Postrank’s “What it is” page. Is it useful for building social presence? http://bit.ly/983dcL #
- Great post on 3 strategies to manage information: Aggregate, Filter and Connect. The last one is hard (for me anyway) http://bit.ly/diItNr #
- Great post on the importance of not only filtering information, but using it meaningfully http://bit.ly/bk21Ol #
- Siemens’ post on moving from educational reform within the system, to a “no boundaries” approach http://bit.ly/bMnKXu #
- Web 3.0 and Its Relevance for Instruction – interesting article on how a next generation web could be used in education http://bit.ly/axYyEr #
- Freedom helps kids learn more « Education Soon http://bit.ly/bBbGvB #
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