- Two new Qualitative analysis books | Virtual Canuck http://bit.ly/aLWter #
- RT @xbkingx: Vegetative Patient Answers Yes and No Questions With His Brain [Medicine] http://ff.im/fqqoK #
- RT @gsiemens: RT @amcunningham: visualising learning networks- going to download tool now! fascinating http://bit.ly/99xtVu #
- Improving presentation skills, academic conferences are often dry and conservative, we need more entertainers http://tinyurl.com/yfa38hr #
- @patrickkayton I agree, most proponents of e-“anything” just move their existing paradigms online, but only a few people change paradigms #
- Creating an Effective Conference Presentation http://bit.ly/aZZxCc #
- SIAM: Guidelines for Poster Presenters http://bit.ly/9yzilN #
- An Effective Poster :: Creating Effective Poster Presentations http://bit.ly/9JXkY7 #
- “No boundaries” to what could be possible in education http://tinyurl.com/yd2fo2g #
- Technician – Ebooks sales underwhelming http://bit.ly/bOnw5P #
- Bridging the digital divide: rural Internet kiosks in Africa « Tony Bates http://bit.ly/9S2y3Y #
- Surgeons practice on virtual brain – National Research Council Canada http://bit.ly/cXu3Ru #
- OER at UCT – open content directory launches http://tinyurl.com/yb8r33s #
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