Michael Rowe

Trying to get better at getting better

    • The e-textbooks typically cost at least 80 percent of the print price.
    • “They tend to read backward and forward. It’s characteristic of the learning process.”
  • tags: no_tag

    • Higher education’s purpose is to equip students for success in life
  • tags: e-learning, context

    • E-learning context is very important. It is common to find educators who perceive e-learning as internet-only education that encourages a static and content-focused series of text pages on screen. Others envisage the shallow and random online messages that are typical of a social real-time chat session, and wonder how that type of communication could add any value to academic discourse. Some may have experienced e-learning done poorly, and extrapolate their experience into a negative impression of all e-learning.
  • Nice, short summary of why PBL is a Good Thing


    • PBL promotes learning by emphasizing the formulation of questions raised by the problem rather than definitive solutions to it
    • Linking the problem to individual experience positively impacts motivation. It’s the principle of connecting what is new to what is already known
    • PBL relies heavily on active learning. Students work on the problem. They do research, make decisions, prepare reports, and give presentations
    • Real-world problems do not generally fit within the boundaries of a single discipline
    • the goal is to solve the problem with an application of relevant content
    • Students work on problems in groups or teams, thereby gaining experience and skill in small-group dynamics
    • Reference: Graaff, E. D., and Kolmos, A. (2003) Characteristics of problem-based learning. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (5), 657-662

Posted from Diigo.

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