- Confidentiality within physiotherapy: perceptions and attitudes of clinical practitioners http://bit.ly/17OAXo #
- Teaching Commons – Scholarship of Teaching & Learning http://bit.ly/KnSy4 #
- Randy Bass: The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem? (Introduction) http://bit.ly/odIu7 #
- The Evidence on Online Education – Report saying that blended approach to learning is more successful than online alone http://bit.ly/WOWYa #
- Mendeley version 0.90 brings loads of additional features, like annotating PDFs. Very cool http://bit.ly/43bCB #
- “Proving the Benefits of Peer Instruction” – article on a study that looked at collaborative learning in small groups http://bit.ly/itZ6S #
- Peer to Peer – article on peer instruction, from Inside Higher Ed http://bit.ly/jnVS0 #
- MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory – Teaching Materials http://bit.ly/dxrgS #
- Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning – loads of great resources for educators http://bit.ly/w4VPw #
- Facebook sez, “Don’t mind us, we’re just whoring out your photos” http://bit.ly/TMxXo #
- PHD Comics: Great Tweets of Science http://bit.ly/GncBU #
- Socialization as information objects « Connectivism http://tinyurl.com/ktfaon via http://www.diigo.com/~michaelrowe #
- “You Are Not My Friend” – Joel Klein on Facebook in TIME magazine (it’s a bit dated…2007 but still worth a read) http://bit.ly/rKAEk #
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